Essentials of KanBan Method

Limit WIP, improve from within

Services organisations: Flowing knowledge discovery journey

Implementeer Flow in een kennisorganisatie - zoals Toyota dat deed in productie.

Een uiterst compacte samenvatting van de Kanban Method van David Anderson en andy Carmichael.

Klik hier voor de officiele  download.


KabanMethod: the alternative Path to Agility.

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Kanban is a method for defining, managing, and improving services that deliver knowledge work...

To do this, we use a kanban system—a delivery flow system that limits the amount of work in progress (WiP) by using visual signals.

It brings us a shared understanding of the work we do, including the rules by which we do the work, how much we can handle at a time, and how well we deliver work to our internal and external customers.

Kanban’s focus on managed commitment and a balanced flow of work leads to greater agility.

To do this, we use a kanban system—a delivery flow system that limits the amount of work in progress (WiP) by using visual signals.


Limit WiP to increase flow and improve from within

(figuren van mijzelf!!)